2 July 2021

International Chemical Investors Group (ICIG) and Vynova Group are pleased to announce the appointment of Christophe André as new President of Vynova Group, with effect from 1 September 2021. Christophe André will succeed Stefan Sommer, who will retire as President of Vynova Group and assume the role of Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Vynova Holding.


Stefan Sommer (63) has held the role of President of Vynova Group since the company’s foundation on 1 August 2015. He will retire on 1 September 2021 and will join Vynova’s parent company ICIG on 1 January 2022 as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Vynova Holding. Stefan Sommer will also continue to represent Vynova Group in key European PVC- and plastics-related industry associations such as VinylPlus, the European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers (ECVM) and PlasticsEurope. Until the end of 2021, he will support the Vynova Management Board in the transition to his successor.


Christophe André (50) holds engineering and economics master degrees from Télécom Paris and ESSEC ad well as an MBA from INSEAD. He has held various international senior management positions at specialty chemicals manufacturer Rohm and Haas, where he served as European head of the Monomers and Adhesives business lines, and he has held the position of Managing Director at paper manufacturer Arjowiggins Graphic. In his last roles, Christophe André served at specialty chemicals company Arkema as Group President of the global Thiochemicals activities and, since 2016, as a member of Arkema’s Executive Committee in charge of the Advanced Materials business portfolio.

About Vynova

Vynova is a leading European PVC and chlor-alkali company. Our products play a key role in manufacturing numerous industrial products and consumer goods that improve our quality of life. With production sites in five countries and more than 1,250 committed employees, we generate annual sales of 830 million euros.
Established in 2015, Vynova is the chlor-vinyls platform of the International Chemical Investors Group (ICIG). Our product offering comprises multiple grades of suspension PVC (S-PVC), KOH and other potassium derivatives, caustic soda (NaOH) and sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl).
For more information, visit www.vynova-group.com.

About ICIG
International Chemical Investors is a privately owned industrial group with total sales of EUR 2 billion. ICIG is focusing on three main platforms: Pharmaceuticals under the CordenPharma brand, Fine Chemicals under the WeylChem brand and Chlorovinyls under the Vynova brand. Since inception in 2004, ICIG has grown to operate more than 20 independent chemicals and pharmaceutical businesses, all of which have origins in major global chemical or pharmaceutical corporations. Today, ICIG companies employ approximately 5,685 employees and operate more than 25 manufacturing facilities in Europe and the United States.
For more information, visit www.ic-investors.com.

Yannick Brusselmans
Group Communication Manager Vynova Group
Phone: +32 479 32 34 99
Email: yannick.brusselmans@vynova-group.com


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